Every trade and professions aim to achieve higher quality of environment. Champion strive for enhancing the environmental quality where its customers can enjoy products and services under hygienic and cleaning environment.
  • Catering Service

  • Dishwasher Factory

  • Hotel

  • Food Factory

  • Property Management

  • Sanitation Service

  • Entertainment

  • Institutions & Schools

  • Hospitals and Clinics

Catering Service

Every restaurant would concern about the environment and utensil immaculate issues. CHAMPION provides suitable products for improving restaurant’s hygiene quality, hence the restaurants are able to offer a comfortable, cleanliness environment for every customer.

Dishwasher Factory

Achieving the best cleaning results of the utensils and operational efficiency are very important to a dishwasher factory. CHAMPION not only provide washing equipment, but also acting as a consultant who provide the most appropriate operational program to every customer.


The hotel is the place where travelers will stay from worldwide, and the environmental sanitation is the main factor for them if staying in. Apply CHAMPION various hygiene programs and international qualified products to improve hotel’s sanitation quality, strengthen the confidence of the travelers, and enhance the international image of the hotel.

Food Factory

Food safety and quality depend on the process of ingredient preparation, thus sanitary environment does not allow to neglect. CHAMPION provides a series of cleaning and sanitizing products in order to solve the problem of environmental and equipment sanitation, also ensure the factory would able to produce food with high quality, hygiene and provide confidence to the customer.

Property Management

Maintaining building’s environmental sanitation depends on property management company. CHAMPION provides different sanitation programs which focus on the issues of environmental sanitation, in order to provide a cleanliness, hygienic and comfortable environment to the customers.

Sanitation Service

CHAMPION has the professional knowledge in maintaining the environmental cleanliness which can provide professional solutions and relevant products for cleaning service company, to achieve the lowest operating cost and highest efficiency.


Places of entertainment is a densely populated where bacteria spread quickly, CHAMPION provides solutions and variety products to enhance the environment hygiene standard.

Institutions & Schools

CHAMPION knows the importance of the personal hygiene in residential/ study environment. in order to enhance the environmental standard and awareness of personal hygiene, CHAMPION provide a series of sanitizer and cleaning products and hygiene solutions.

Hospitals and Clinics

Hospitals and clinics not only concern the health of patients and medical personnel, but also the environmental hygiene and food safety. CHAMPION provide various hygiene programs and cleaning products to improve the hygiene standard and prevent germs from spreading.